Title of the document


Lymphatic filariasis elimination

Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) is a public health problem in Nepal. Nepal conducted LF mapping in 2001 and 2005 and remapping in 2012 by using ICT (Immuno chromatography Test), which revealed 13% average prevalence of LF infection in the country, ranging from <1% to 39%.  Based on the ICT survey, morbidity reporting and geo-ecological comparability sixty-one districts of the country were mapped as endemic for LF. The disease has been detected in different topographical areas ranging in altitude from 300 feet above sea level in the plain (Terai) ecological zone to 5,800 feet above sea level in high hill areas. Comparatively, more LF cases are seen in the plains than in the hills, but valleys and river basin areas of hilly districts also have high disease burden. The disease is more prevalent in the rural areas of the country, predominantly affecting the poorer sector of the community. Wuchereria bancrofti is the only recorded parasite in Nepal and the mosquito, Culex.quinquefasciatus, an efficient vector of the disease has been recorded in all the endemic areas of the country.

Epidemiology and Disease Control Division under the Department of Health Services has formulated a National Plan of Action (2003-2020 AD) for the Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis in Nepal by establishing a National Task Force under the Chairmanship of Director-General, Department of Health Services. The division initiated the implementation of Mass Drug Administration (MDA) in Parsa district in 2003 which was gradually scaled up to all endemic districts achieving 100% geographical coverage by FY 2069/70 (2013). The target of scaling up MDA to all endemic districts was achieved in 2013. By this fiscal year, MDA has been stopped (phased out) in 25 districts, post MDA surveillance has been initiated in 20 districts and morbidity management has been partially initiated in all endemic districts. All endemic districts will complete the recommended six rounds of MDA by 2018. The LF elimination programme has also indirectly contributed to strengthening of health system through trainings and capacity building activities. Between these periods of thirteen years, various surveys have been carried out including mapping, base line surveys; follow up surveys, post MDA coverage survey and transmission assessment surveys (TAS). TAS done in 26 districts has revealed that the prevalence of LF infection has significantly reduced and contributed in preventing disabilities and sufferings due to LF. Over the period of last 13 years, more than 100 million doses have been administrated to at-risk population.

Programme Implemented by:

Epidemiology and Disease Control Division

Department of Health Services (DoHS)

Teku, Kathmandu

T : 01-4255796

F : 01-4262268

W: http://www.edcd.gov.np


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स्वास्थ्य समन्वय महाशाखा

सहायक सूचना अधिकारी

  info @ mohp.gov.np
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 रामशाहपथ, काठमाण्डौं, नेपाल

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