Title of the document


Epidemic and Outbreak Surveillance Programme

Surveillance of communicable diseases is a systematic and ongoing process of collecting information and analyzing data on cases of infectious diseases. It provides relevant information to decision makers for public health priorities and resource allocation. By this process, public health professionals can determine actions that are needed to prevent outbreaks and reduce the burden of diseases of communicable diseases. Given below are the surveillance activities operated through EDCD.

Early Warning And Reporting System (EWARS)

Early Warning And Reporting System (EWARS) is a hospital-based sentinel surveillance system currently identified in 81 hospitals covering all 75 districts of Nepal. EWARS is designed to complement the country’s Health Management Information System (HMIS) by providing timely reporting for early detection of selected vector-borne, water and food borne diseases with outbreak potential. It mainly focuses on the weekly reporting of detailed line list of cases and deaths (including "zero" reports) of six priority diseases/syndromes—Malaria, Kala-azar, Dengue, Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE), Cholera and Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI), and other epidemic potential diseases/syndromes (like enteric fever, Leptospirosis, Hydrophobia, Chickungunya etc.). It equally focuses on immediate reporting (to be reported as soon as possible within 24 hours of diagnosis) of one confirmed case of Cholera, Kala-azar severe and complicated Malaria and one suspect/clinical case of Dengue as well as 5 or more cases of AGE and SARI from the same geographical locality in one week period.

EWARS sentinel site reporting status:


Number of site

Total identified sites


To be oriented




Among oriented


Reporting every week


Not reporting in time


Not reported till date


Discontinued reporting in 2015 by site


EWARS bulletin is produced every week on Sundays and shared to all the medical recorders, EWARS focal persons, rapid response team members, District Health Offices, Regional Health Directorates, all the divisions and centers of Department of Health Services, Secretary, MoHP, Chief-Secretary, and stakeholders through Email and uploaded to EDCD official website.

Active surveillance system of Infectious disease
Active surveillance of infectious disease is done if an outbreak has occurred or is suspected to keep close track to the number of cases. Designated officer regularly looks for diseases of interest using standard case definition for notifiable diseases and coordinates with other sections for necessary actions.

Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance
EDCD is a secretariat of Water Quality Surveillance Committee. Director of EDCD is the coordinator of the committee. The committee is responsible for following:

  • Regular monitoring of drinking water quality from various sources and distribution sites
  • Regular surveillance of water-borne diseases and coordination with different stakeholders for quality surveillance
  • Increase capacity of manpower through training, meeting, and other programmes for the surveillance of water quality of the district
  • Facilitate testing of water quality if any water-borne disease epidemic occurs in the water distributed in a particular area
  • Keep record of drinking water distribution system of country on the basis of Geographical Information System (GIS) and provide feedbacks to the responsible organization.

Programme Implemented by

Surveillance and Research Section

Epidemiology and Disease Control Division

Department of Health Services (DoHS)

Teku, Kathmandu


T : 01-4255796

F : 01-4262268

W: http://www.edcd.gov.np


महाशाखा प्रमुख
स्वास्थ्य समन्वय महाशाखा

सहायक सूचना अधिकारी

  info @ mohp.gov.np
  +९७७-०१४२६२६९६, ४२६२५४३
 रामशाहपथ, काठमाण्डौं, नेपाल

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